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Re: CVS bashing?

From: Alexander Kamilewicz
Subject: Re: CVS bashing?
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 09:57:43 -0500

Eric Siegerman wrote:
> I haven't experienced any flakiness -- at least not with recent
> versions; it was worse in the past.  But then, I haven't put any
> large binaries into CVS, so I wouldn't know about that.

The only flakiness I've noticed with large binaries is that if you do an
import of a module that's very big and has lots of big binaries and your
/tmp isn't very big, it will just run out of space, but not be able to
tell that it's going to run out of space.

Which is annoying.  But I'm choosing to blame the "business" on this


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