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RE: How well does CVS handle other types of data?

From: Noel L Yap
Subject: RE: How well does CVS handle other types of data?
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:30:29 -0400

>[ On Friday, July 13, 2001 at 13:11:56 (-0400), Noel L Yap wrote: ]
>> Subject: RE: How well does CVS handle other types of data?
>> That's right.  You won't have problems with binary files in CVS 'cos they're
>> in CVS.  This doesn't mean you won't have problems with binary files in
>> though.  Branching is an unpreventable fact of life.
>Yes, but currently automated merging is an unpreventable fact of CVS.

OK, we're getting somewhere.  Why not make it preventable (eg via a flag and/or
when -kb is used and/or a RCS state and/or some other mechanism)?  I don't see
how such a thing could break its current usage (at least not any more so than
removing -kb altogether).  Nor do I see that it goes completely afainst the
original design goals since they were talking about mergable text files.


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