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Re: Using Common files across multiple projects

From: David Taylor
Subject: Re: Using Common files across multiple projects
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:33:09 -0800

Thomas Frasher wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to change the repository that we are using here.
> There are several projects that use some of the same files, headers and .cpp
> files.
> Ideally I would like the checkout to get the files automatically, whether
> they are in a different repository (i.e. a different module)

If the files are in a different module, but  same repository you can create
aliases to get what you want, with something like:

checkoutForProject1 -a project1 commonHeaderDir commonCPPDir
checkoutForProject2 -a project2 commonHeaderDir commonCPPDir

If the common files are in a different repository from the project, this won't
work. You'll need to create a simple script to do the checkout that does
something like:

cvs -d /cvsrootCommon checkout commonHeaderDir commonCPPDir
cvs -d /cvsrootProjects checkout project1

> or whether they
> are local.

I don't know what you mean by "local".

> This will save me many hours explaining this.  Also I need to
> put them back to the "home" repository when the changes are committed (all
> this without the need to commit me at the end of it).

This is done automatically on commit: the workspace files called CVS/Root take
care of that: see


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