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Re: Cannot checkout modules

From: Larry Jones
Subject: Re: Cannot checkout modules
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:50:41 -0400 (EDT)

Ripalda-Marin, Miguel-Angel writes:
> service cvspserver
> {
>         socket_type     = stream
>         protocol        = tcp
>         wait            = no

>         user            = nobody

Probably a bad idea -- you need to run as root to be able to validate

>         server          = /usr/bin/cvs

>         server_args     = -b /usr/bin --allow-root=/home/cvs -f pserver

-b is totally ignored unless you're running a really old version of CVS.

>         disable         = no

>         env             = HOME=/home/cvs

Not necessary as long as you have the following line...

>         passenv         =

You may want to change that to "passenv = PATH" so that your
administrative scripts have a reasonable $PATH to work with.

> ... but now I get the following error when checking out my modules:
> cvs checkout -P Documentación (in directory D:\Trabajo\WebPhone)
> cvs checkout: authorization failed: server rejected access to
> /home/cvs for user developer

Probably because CVS wasn't running as root as thus couldn't validate
the password.

-Larry Jones

I'm crying because out there he's gone, but he's not gone inside me. -- Calvin

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