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Re: Sharing a file between to different modules (A dead-horse topic?)

From: Casey T. Zednick
Subject: Re: Sharing a file between to different modules (A dead-horse topic?)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 13:05:12 -0600

At 12:03 PM 5/31/2002 -0400, you wrote:
[ On Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 13:17:42 (-0600), Casey T. Zednick wrote: ]
> Subject: Sharing a file between to different modules (A dead-horse topic?)
> I have looked in the CVS book, Google, and the FAQ, but have not found a
> concrete answer to my problem.

That's because it's not really a CVS problem.  It's a generic software
managment problem.

However it also is concerns the version control system.

>       Say I have two modules "web-server," and "ftp-server" and these two
> projects need to share a file(s) "ATcpStack.c"  What would be the best way
> to do this?

Create a module for the shared file(s).

Agreed. I would like to automagicly link one module into a sub dir of the other module.

Make the module build into a library.

Do release management on the module and install its library on your
build machines.

Link the programs built from the other modules with the library.

Would work, but would not exploit the computers full ability: doing stuff so humans do not have to (The library is under constant development, thus needs to be checked-out and re-built with main project)

I was hoping to setup it up so when the main module that depends on a another module is checked out, that the other module would also be checked out too. That way the dependent code could be modified and checked back in. Then other main modules could then get the new updates (cvs update); something like a symlink for CVS with out having to do it at the file system level.

Maybe having delusions,
Casey T. Zednick

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