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Re: cvs ext (ssh), but no shell access..

From: Tom Copeland
Subject: Re: cvs ext (ssh), but no shell access..
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 10:48:31 -0400

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 10:04, Wim Bertels wrote:
> Houdi,
> Its a remote clients/server setup,
> cvs is up and running, but by using the ext method users automatically gain
> shell access to the cvs server, this in NOT intended, how do you solve this.
> (i need to use ssh because i have to use pam_ldap to authenticate the 
> cvs-users)

Use a restricted shell - one that only accepts cvs commands.  I use this
one to accept only cvs and scp:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.3 2002/06/09 13:48:46 ksoonson Exp $
# "Shell" for a restricted account, limiting the available commands
# Roland Mas, debian-sf (Sourceforge for Debian)
# Inspired from the grap.c file in Sourceforge 2.5

use strict ;
use vars qw/ @allowed_options @allowed_commands $errmsg @cmd / ;
use subs qw/ &reject / ;
no locale ;

@allowed_options = ('-c', '-e') ;
@allowed_commands = ('cvs','scp') ;

# Clean up our environment

if ($#ARGV != 1) {
    if ($#ARGV < 1) {
        $errmsg = "Not enough arguments." ;
    } else {
        $errmsg = "Too many arguments." ;
    &reject ;

if (scalar (grep { $_ eq $ARGV[0] } @allowed_options) == 0) {
    $errmsg = "Option not allowed." ;
    &reject ;

@cmd = split (/ +/, $ARGV[1]) ;

if (scalar (grep { $_ eq $cmd[0] } @allowed_commands) == 0) {
    $errmsg = "Command not allowed." ;
    &reject ;

exec @cmd ;

sub reject {
    print "This is a restricted account.\n" .
        "You cannot execute anything here.\n" .
        # $errmsg . "\n" .
        "Goodbye.\n" ;
    exit 1 ;



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