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Problems with cvs_acls

From: Mark E. Hamilton
Subject: Problems with cvs_acls
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:27:31 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920


I'm trying to use cvs_acls (from the 1.11.21 distribution) to prevent checkins to specific branches. My commitinfo file looks like this:


and the cvsacl file looks like this:


What I hoped this would do is to prevent anyone from checking anything in to the test_tag_branch2 branch, but allow other changes to the repository.

When I checked out a file from the branch, changed it, and tried to commit it it failed. All good so far. Then I updated the file to the HEAD revision, changed it, and tried to commit it. It still failed. I tried a few other files with the same results.

The debug output looks like this. Am I misunderstanding how the deny/allow patterns are supposed to work, or is there something else wrong?

sahp7635% cvs commit -m 'test'
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining subdir
cvs commit: Examining subdir/deepdir
cvs commit: Examining test_dir
? test.dat.bck
Debug turned on...
5995 $debug flag set on.
5995 $arg for processArgs loop is: -u.
5995 client-side $userId set to: mhamilt.
5995 $arg for processArgs loop is: mhamilt.
5995 $arg for processArgs loop is: /cvsroot/playground/playground.
5995 $arg for processArgs loop is: test.dat.
5995 processArgs returning $userId: mhamilt.
5995 @ARGV after processArgs is: /cvsroot/playground/playground test.dat.
5995 ========== Begin for "/cvsroot/playground/playground" repository. ========== 5995 @ARGV after shift processing contains:/cvsroot/playground/playground, test.dat.
5995 $cvsroot is: /cvsroot/playground.
5995 Repos: playground
5995 ==== playground/test.dat
5995 File / Branch
5995 CVS Entry 1: test.dat/
5995 ==========
5995 Processing 'cvsacl' line: deny|||test_tag_branch2.
5995 $user_name: mhamilt $user_match match flag is: 1.
5995 Branches from 'cvsacl' record: test_tag_branch2.
5995 $repository_matches{playground/test.dat} = [HEAD, ].
5995 Matches for: %repository_matches: playground/test.dat.
5995 An "deny" match on User(s): ; Module(s): ; Branch(es): test_tag_branch2.
5995 Adding %repository_matches entry: playground/test.dat.
5995 ==== End of processing for 'cvsacl' line: deny|||test_tag_branch2.
**** Access denied: Insufficient authority for user: 'mhamilt' to commit to 'playground'. **** Contact CVS Administrators if you require update access to these directories or files.
**** file(s)/dir(s) restricted were:
5995 restrict_log record being written: 2007/04/23 17:25:39 Commit attempt by: mhamilt for: playground/test.dat on branch: HEAD.
 to /cvsroot/playground/CVSROOT/restrict_log.
5995 ==== $exit_val = 1
cvs commit: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

The restrict_log contains these messages (not realy surprising, I suppose.)

2007/04/23 14:41:54 Commit attempt by: mhamilt for: playground/test.dat on branch: test_tag_branch2. 2007/04/23 15:24:32 Commit attempt by: mhamilt for: playground/test.dat on branch: HEAD. 2007/04/23 17:10:59 Commit attempt by: mhamilt for: playground/test.dat on branch: HEAD. 2007/04/23 17:14:21 Commit attempt by: mhamilt for: playground/test.dat on branch: test_tag_branch2.

Mark E. Hamilton
Orion International Technologies, Inc.
Sandia National Laboratory, NM.

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