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GNU Serveez 0.2.2 available

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: GNU Serveez 0.2.2 available
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 11:30:39 +0100

release notes:

  Bugfixes, doc improvements, minor new stuff.
  We welcome Eric Bavier to the THANKS file.

  One notable glitch: the tarball does not include updated NEWS
  (PEBKAC, sigh).  This message and home page do, however.

  Lastly, the home page has been overhauled to use the standard
  GNU template (w/ server-side includes, etc), version 1.75.
  Good-bye HTML 2!


README excerpt:

  GNU Serveez is a server framework.  It provides routines and help
  for implementing IP-based servers (currently TCP, UDP and ICMP).
  It supports named pipes for all connection-oriented protocols.

  We think it is worth the effort because many people need server
  functionality within their applications.  However, many people
  experience problems with select(2) or poll(2) loops, and with
  non-blocking operations.

  GNU Serveez demonstrates various aspects of advanced network
  programming in a portable manner.  It is known to compile and
  run on GNU/Linux systems, as well as on other 32-bit and 64-bit
  flavours of Unix and on Microsoft Windows (9x/ME/NT/2000/XP).

  You can use it for implementing your own servers or for
  understanding how certain network services and operations work.

NEWS for 0.2.2 (2013-12-02):

  - bugfixes

    - make SMOB/C-object correspondance precise

      Previously, the "socket", "server" and "servertype" SMOBs were
      consed on-demand, that is, on every callback invocation, thus
      defeating Scheme functionality requiring stable object identity
      (notably, object properties).

      Now, Scheme objects persist "normally" and the correspondance
      between Scheme and the underlying C object is precise; when the
      C object undergoes "finalization", the Scheme object likewise
      undergoes "invalidation" -- breaking the correspondance -- but
      otherwise leaving the identity intact.  The upshot is that
      object properties will still work, although passing the Scheme
      object to procs that expect to access the underlying C object
      will have undefined (crash or demons-from-nose or ...) behavior.

    - libserveez/coservers don't touch ‘’

      The ‘data’ member of ‘svz_socket_t’ is for exclusive use by the
      servers (clients of libserveez).  Regardless, if you wish to run
      multiple servers bound to one port, those still need to find a
      way to share (i.e., not clobber each other's) ‘sock->data’.
      The Guile server explicitly avoids ‘sock->data’ as well, so the
      only thing you need to worry about is builtin servers written
      in C.

  - removed

    - Scheme user-data procs

      These procs are no longer provided:


      The Scheme way is to use object properties.  For example, the
      src/guile-server/{mandel,icecast}-* code now does just that.

    - Guile 1.3.4 support

      This was announced in Serveez 0.2.1 (2013-03-24) NEWS.

  - changes to libserveez

    - new API element: ‘svz_sock_prefree’

      This function can be used to register/unregister a function to
      be called by the libserveez core immediately prior to freeing a
      ‘svz_socket_t’ object.

      Clients that "wrap" ‘svz_socket_t’ can use it to update the
      validity of the C object wrt the outer object.  (This is what
      the Guile server does, in fact -- see src/guile-server.c.)

    - version spec bump: ‘2:0:1’

      As a consequence of the new API element, the libserveez version
      spec is now ‘2:0:1’.

       (info "(libtool) Updating version info")

      Briefly, this means that this libserveez is backward-compatible
      w/ that of GNU Serveez 0.2.1.

  - new option: ‘serveez --list-servers’

    (Short form: ‘-L’.)  This displays prefix and description for
    each builtin server, with a special case for the Guile server.

  - ‘serveez --help’ shows home page / "gethelp" info
  - ‘serveez --version’ shows copyright / license

    This is for compliance w/ the GNU coding standards.

     (info "(standards) --version")
     (info "(standards) --help")

  - documentation more spacious

    There are now blank lines between address@hidden and before
    address@hidden, address@hidden and address@hidden blocks.  Texinfo 4.13
    used to add them automagically, but 5.x is not so generous.

  - maintainer tools upgraded
    - GNU Automake 1.14
    - GNU Texinfo 5.2
    - Guile-BAUX 20130913.1631.fcfbe70

tarballs and detached signature:

source code:


Thien-Thi Nguyen
   GPG key: 4C807502
   (if you're human and you know it)
      read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical)
                               (not (via 'mailing-list)))
                     => nil

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Description: PGP signature

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