12 September 2023
Unifont 15.1.01 is now available. This is a major release.
From the NEWS file:
* Glyphs updated for Unicode 15.1.0 release.
* OpenType fonts are now built by default, replacing TrueType fonts.
TrueType fonts can be built manually by invoking "make truetype"
in the font directory.
* New Hangul Johab 6/3/1 encoding devised by Ho-Seok Ee for building
the Hangul Syllables block (U+AC00..U+D7A3), with new supporting
programs johab2syllables, unigen-hangul, and unijohab2html. This
encoding replaces Unifont's original Hanterm-derived encoding.
New source files hangul.h and unihangul-support.c provide support
for rendering syllable bitmaps with all Unicode Hangul letters,
including all ancient Hangul, through the new unigen-hangul program.
These functions also can support user-written Hangul syllable rendering
programs, for example on embedded systems using graphics displays.
* Added three hexadecimal digit representation CSUR/UCSUR scripts:
- U+EBE0..U+EBEF: Boby Lapointe's "bibi-binary" notation
- U+EBF0..U+EBFF: Bruce Alan Martin's bit location notation
- U+ECF0..U+ECFF: Ronald O. Whitaker's triangular notation.
* Modified hexdraw to support bitmap manipulation of up to 64 rows
by 128 columns for 64-by-128 graphics display screen drawing support.
Added the unihexpose program to transpose Unifont glyphs, for use
with graphics display controller chips that encode each byte as
8 rows by 1 column, left to right.
* Other minor updates; see ChangeLog for details.
Download this release from GNU server mirrors at:
https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/unifont/unifont-15.1.01/or if that fails,
https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/unifont/unifont-15.1.01/or, as a last resort,
ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/unifont/unifont-15.1.01/These files are also available on the
unifoundry.com website:
https://unifoundry.com/pub/unifont/unifont-15.1.01/Font files are in the subdirectory
https://unifoundry.com/pub/unifont/unifont-15.1.01/font-builds/A more detailed description of font changes is available at
https://unifoundry.com/unifont/index.htmland of utility program changes at
https://unifoundry.com/unifont/unifont-utilities.htmlInformation about Hangul modifications is at
Paul Hardy