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Re: highlighting on summary buffer.. subjects?

From: Steinar Børmer
Subject: Re: highlighting on summary buffer.. subjects?
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 10:39:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Cristian Gutierrez <> writes:

| Currently, ticked, dormant, high (and low) scored and other
| `special' articles are highlighted only at the author's
| name. Subjects are displayed with the `regular' face.

Not for me.  I haven't looked through your gnus-summary-line-format
settings (they look pretty heavy to me :), but I suspect you've done
something that alters this.  You should start by simplifying it until
you find the source of the problem.

I've got a much simpler setup than you, the only thing that's
non-standard about mine is that it allows names longer than 23
characters in the *Summary* buffer.

(setq gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%z%I%(%[%4L: %-23n%]%) %s\n")

Your gnus-summary-line-format settings gives me the following error:

Symbol's value as variable is void: gnus-face-5

I haven't tried debugging this, just FYI.

Normally, I could have attributed this to using No Gnus, but we're
using the same version, so I don't see why it should matter.

Do you have a screenshot of how this looks for you, since I'm unable
to use this setting?


I am so smart, so smart - s-m-r-t!  I mean, s-m-A-r-t!
                                        - Homer Simpson

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