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invalid argument, when auto-saving mails every minute

From: Peter
Subject: invalid argument, when auto-saving mails every minute
Date: 19 May 2004 15:01:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3 Hamster/

Emacs/Gnus tries to auto-save mails and news every minute. But it fails,
stating (for this post):

    Auto-saving *news on gnu.emacs.gnus*: Opening output file:
    invalid argument, c:/peter/auto-save/#*news on gnu.emacs.gnus*#

I guess it's because of the spaces in the filename it creates.

Do you know how to avoid this recurrent error, while (if possible)
keeping the auto-save feature on?

Best regards,

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