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Re: Sending mail via Gnus if Gnus is not running (?)

From: Albert Reiner
Subject: Re: Sending mail via Gnus if Gnus is not running (?)
Date: 01 Nov 2004 14:18:05 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

[William F Hammond <>, Sun, 31 Oct 2004 23:00:02 -0500]:
> How can this function be used with GNU Emacs from a shell script?

For running emacs non-interactively in a script you can do something
like this:

- Write a file foo.el with the necessary elisp function bar() that
  does what you want, e.g., open all files in a directory and send it;

- Then, in the script, do 

    emacs -batch -l foo.el -f bar

  The exit code should tell you whether there was somer error.

It might be good to prevent loading of .emacs etc. if you do not need
it; at any rate, starting up emacs is not very fast, so don't do it in
an inner loop but move the inner loop to the elisp.

Of course, if there is a better Gnus specific solution, use that.



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