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Re: attachment questions - notify, and read attachments

From: J.
Subject: Re: attachment questions - notify, and read attachments
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 01:52:50 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Ok, I've set up Gnus 5.10.6 on a different machine, running Red Hat
enterprise. And attachments were received just fine -that is the
following line.  
                [2. application/octet-stream; .gnus]...

And if it was a pdf attachment it opened up with xpdf when clicking on
it. Text attachments were fine as well. Emacs version was 21.3.1 on
that machine. I do not normally have access to that computer.

However, on my computer, the one from which this is being written, the
attachments and email bodies of received email remain screwed up.
For example sending an awk script as an attachment shows nothing in
the body, only headers until I toggle "t" then I get the the
unattractive result below. pdf's behave similarly - but worse result.

It seems the bodies of simple emails are behaving the same. Any
suggestions welcome. I am running emacs version 21.2.1 under red hat
7.3. Could this be causing problems?


MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-=-="

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=att.awk

#  filename: paragrep.awk
#    author: Eric Pement
#      date: March 23, 2002
#   purpose: awk script displays a paragraph if the search expression
#            occurs anywhere in the paragraph. Each paragraph must be
#            separated from other paragraphs like a fully blank line.
#    syntax: awk -v search="regex" -f d:\bat\lib\parag.awk myfile
#            where 'regex' is any valid awk regular expression. However,
#            interval expressions like \{4,9\} are not supported without
#            an additional switch, --re-interval on the command line.

BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\n"; ORS="\n\n"; OFS="\n";  # set paragraph mode
 if (search == "") {print "\aNo search term! Exiting..."; exit 1}
$0 ~ search { print; a++ }

END { if (search=="") exit 1
      printf ("=============\nSearch matched %s times.\n", a+0 )
      printf ("The expresssion to search for was [%s].\n", search)
#---end of script---


here is the attachment


Lines: 0
Xref: localhost.localdomain consumer:3
X-Gnus-Article-Number: 3   Sat Nov 13 09:54:03 2004

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