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Migrating mail from MS Outlook to Gnus

From: romeomedina
Subject: Migrating mail from MS Outlook to Gnus
Date: 8 Feb 2005 02:03:06 -0800
User-agent: G2/0.2


I want to migrate my mail from Microsoft Outlook 2000 to emacs Gnus.
In gnus FAQ it is suggested to tell my old mail program to export the
in mbox format (finding tools for that at
and then to import this mbox file into Gnus.
>From that site I downloaded the file mbx2mbox-0.34.tar.gz and installed
the package,
but didn't manage to convert mbx into mbox format. Here are the steps I

1) Within MS Outlook, I did:
   File > import and export > export into a file > dBase
   , then selected a folder and saved it with the name myfile.mbx.

2) I downloaded mbx2mbox-0.34.tar.gz from
   and copied into my ~/tmp dir. Then I did:

   # urpmi Manip

   $ cd ~/tmp

   $ tar xzvf mbx2mbox-0.34.tar.gz

   $ cd mbx2mbox-0.34

   $ perl Makefile.PL

   $ make

   $ make test

   # make install

   , and mbx2mbox seemed to install successfully.

3) I did:

   $ mbx2mbox myfile.mbx

   , but the file 'myfile' which was produced is empty.

Any suggestion?


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