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Re: backfill of usenet postings

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: backfill of usenet postings
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:28:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, Nov 20 2005, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:

> How complicated would be making gnus fetchnig old posts via google?

,----[ (info "(gnus)Finding the Parent") ]
|    Here's an example setting that will first try the current method, and
| then ask Google if that fails:
|      (setq gnus-refer-article-method
|            '(current
|              (nnweb "google" (nnweb-type google))))

Unfortunately you need a Gnus version from CVS for this to work with
the new Google Groups.  Both, the development version (No Gnus: trunk)
and stable branch (v5-10) support Google.  The Gnus version included
in the upcoming Emacs 22 release will also include it.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |

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