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Re: archiving mail with nnmail-expiry-target

From: Nelson Ferreira
Subject: Re: archiving mail with nnmail-expiry-target
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 18:51:34 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) SXEmacs/22.1.6 (linux)

"martin" == martin bishop@gmail com <> writes:

    martin> In my .gnus I have the following
    martin> (setq nnmail-expiry-wait 'immediate)
    martin> (setq nnmail-expiry-target
    martin>         '(lambda (group)
    martin>          (concat "nnfolder:"

Here you are using the nnfolder backend which is a single file based
group which gets loaded into a buffer. If you use nnml or some other
backend you'll get around this..

    martin>                  (format-time-string "%b-%Y." (current-time))
    martin>                  group)))

    martin> Is there any way to prevent gnus from opening the group to be 
    martin> to in a buffer ?
    martin> I.E. when I go to exit emacs, I get prompted to save the 
    martin> buffer

Are you sure you quit Gnus properly with 'q' in the Group buffer ?
Gnus should save the buffer at that time. You can also do it by
pressing 's' in the group buffer which saves all changes in the state
of groups etc.

Nelson Ferreira

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