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gnus-parameters don't have an effect

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: gnus-parameters don't have an effect
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 23:11:40 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.91 (gnu/linux)


today I started using Gnus for mail (IMAP) and merged my
`gnus-posting-styles' with `gnus-parameters'.

,----[ C-h v gnus-parameters RET ]
| gnus-parameters is a variable defined in `gnus.el'.
| Its value is shown below.
| Documentation:
| Alist of group parameters.
| Value:
| ((".*"
|   (posting-style
|    ("Face"
|     (lambda nil
|       (let
|           ((file
|             (th-random-file "~/.faces" "\\.jpg")))
|         (message "Chose %s as Face file." file)
|         (gnus-face-from-file file))))))
|  ("^infko\\."
|   (posting-style
|    (address "")))
|  ("Fastmail:INBOX\\."
|   (posting-style
|    (address ""))
|   (gnus-use-scoring nil)
|   (gcc-self . t))
|  ("Fastmail:INBOX\\.FSF"
|   (posting-style
|    (address "")))
|  ("Fastmail:INBOX\\.\\(D-BARF\\|emms-patches\\)"
|   (gnus-use-scoring t)
|   (gcc-self)))

The problem is, that most settings there have no effect. What works is
the adding of the Face header in every mail/posting.

But I always post with `user-mail-address', although this should be
overridden in infko-groups or on my Fastmail-IMAP-postbox. Those
`gcc-self' and `gnus-use-scoring' don't have an effect, too.

Does anyone know what's wrong here?

Bye and thanks,
          "Emacs is not a development tool but a way of life."
                - David Kastrup in alt.religion.emacs -

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