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Re: Follow-Ups and multiple groups?

From: Adam Sjøgren
Subject: Re: Follow-Ups and multiple groups?
Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 22:34:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) XEmacs/21.5-b29 (linux)

On Sat, 08 May 2010 22:11:28 +0200, Merciadri wrote:

> Sorry Adam for being not precise.

No worries :-)

> I tested with linux.debian.user and comp.sys.hp48, together.

Both on, or?

> It might be because they both exist to the news-gate, but would it be
> that?

I still don't quite understand what you mean by this. I would expect
that they _both_ _had_ to exist on the news server you use for it to

What is this "news-gate" you mention?

> The combination linux.debian.user + comp.sys.hp48 never works. That
> is, each time I try to send an article to both groups, it is sent
> nowhere. But I have only observed this behaviour with these two
> groups.

It is quite odd that you don't get an error back from the news server, I

> Not at all. The fact is that adding some `test' message to a
> discussion is not really polluting, it even takes place in the
> discussion. However, copying an answer of an already-launched
> dicussion on another usenet group makes it appear as a new article,
> which is clearly polluting. Don't you agree?

Not really, no. I think testing should be done in dedicated test groups
only, regardless of whether you test within a thread or create a new

>> linux.debian.user sounds more like a mailinglist than a usenet group to
>> me, but since you used made-up group names in the first article, it is
>> hard to say.

> Yes, but posting to the ML or posting to the usenet group sends the
> message to the other, so that both are synchronized.

I was about to guess that the software that does this news<->email
gating perhaps discards crossposts, but I would have expected your
missing article to have reached the other newsgroup at least, then.

Given that you can see Gnus deliver the article to the server and the
server doesn't give you an error back, I still think the problem isn't
with Gnus and how you use it.

  Best regards,


 "Det er jo bare punk, forklædt som Bubbers badekar!"         Adam Sjøgren

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