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(silly) problem sending drafts

From: George McNinch
Subject: (silly) problem sending drafts
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:31:46 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.0.95 (gnu/linux)


For a while now, I've had the following problem.

If I compose a message and save (C-x C-s) before sending (to the drafts
folder), and subsequently send the mail, it sends fine, but I get the
following error (I see it in the minibuffer -- here is the output to

| Sending...
| Mark set [2 times]
| Sending via mail...
| Sending email 
| Sending email done
| Sending...done
| Opening connection to personal via tls...
| open-network-stream: personal/993 Name or service not known

Note that (one of) my gmail account(s) is  named "personal"

        (nnimap "personal" 
                (nnimap-address "")
                (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")

I have another gmail account

        (nnimap "gmail-tufts" 
                (nnimap-address "")
                (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")

I'm using as the smtp server, and my gnus-posting styles
I have lines like

    (eval (setq smtpmail-smtp-user "**user***"))

which set the relevant gmail account for sending mail (this is not
optimal for saved Drafts, of course, but I'm leaving that issue aside
for now...e.g.  since Drafts anyhow don't work correctly for me!)

I mention this because when I compose mail as the user for the
"personal" gmail account, save the mail to drafts, and then send it, I
get the above error.

If instead I compose with smtpmail-smtp-user set to the user for the
"gmail-tufts" account, save the mail to drafts, and then send it, I get
instead the following variation on the error:

| Sending...
| Mark set [2 times]
| Sending via mail...
| Sending email 
| Sending email done
| Sending...done
| Opening connection to gmail-tufts via tls...
| open-network-stream: gmail-tufts/993 Name or service not known

(I'm a bit mystified by this right now ...)

Note that I have gnus-message-archive-group set to nil, since
I'm anyhow

Anyhow, I must have something misconfigured but I can't seem to guess
what it is.

Does anyone have an idea or suggestion?


  | George McNinch <gmcninch (at)>

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