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[Klog-users] KLog development updates... on the road to Qt4.

From: Jaime Robles
Subject: [Klog-users] KLog development updates... on the road to Qt4.
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 11:28:47 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15

Good morning,

As you may know KLog is based on Qt[1] and KDE[2].

Some months ago Nokia upgraded Qt from the Qt3 series to the Qt4 series.

Qt3 code is no longer compatible will Qt4 so in order to keep KLog alive I
am forced to port the KLog code to the new version of Qt4.
KDE is in the 4 version also and KLog had to evolve.

If you do not follow my blog[3], you won’t know that during last month I
was on holidays and I spent several hours in the porting process, updating
the code to the new API and trying to update KLog to Qt4.

Today, the code of KLog compiles without errors (but a lot of “warnings”)
but it is still not running.

The code of new KLog is in the unstable directory[4] of the download tree
of KLog code. However it is not the last code and the code that is in
there is still not compiling… (KLog is compiling since yesterday and I
forgot to upload the code… I will try to do it this afternoon/evening).

If you have some experience with Qt4 and you want to help with the KLog
development in general and/or the porting process in particular, please
email me and I will be happy to add you to the KLog team :-)

So, this message was just to tell you that KLog is alive, and it is being
improved. I don’t know how it will be ready for the new release as my free
time is now very limited again but the new release will take place as soon
as possible.

[1] http://qt.nokia.com/products/
[2] http://www.kde.org
[3] http://jaime.robles.es/blog/tag/klog/
[4] http://jaime.robles.es/klog/download/unstable/

        Jaime Robles, EA4TV



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