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[Koha-win32] Re: Win 32 Install

From: robweir
Subject: [Koha-win32] Re: Win 32 Install
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:48:51 -0500

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 19:34:22 +0200
> From: "Van der Vyver Jan <address@hidden>" <address@hidden>
> To: <address@hidden>
> Subject: [Koha-win32] Win 32 Install
> Hallo all
> I mad a koha install on my win2k box and no problem.
> i have a few questions:
> what is the user name en psw? (For this install)

The user and password for this install is koha / koha. If you want to change 
the user and / or password, edit 'user' and 'password' in c:\winnt\my.ini or 
c:\windows\my.ini. I think that should do it. 

> why can i only se search catalogue?

Koha has two user interfaces - 'opac' for clients  searching for books and 
'intranet' for the library staff doing all the other functions. If you can only 
search the catalogue, you have probably connected to  the opac interface.  Have 
you tried 'intranet' as the url in your browser?
The install that you ran creates two Apache virtual directories - one named 
simply 'opac'
and the other named  'intranet'. The configuration for these virtual 
directories is at the
very end of the Apache config file called  httpd. conf that you can find in 
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf. Normally, virtual directories  would have 
names like
www.mycompany.com and would make use of name resolution provided by your 
network domain
controller, but to keep things simple on my stand-alone test machine, I named 
them simply
'opac' and  'intranet'. The install then makes an entry in the lmhosts file in 
C:\Windows on
Windows 98 or in the hosts  file in C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc on WinNT or 
W2000 machines
to refer both 'opac' and 'intranet' back to, the IP address of your 
machine. On my test workstation, I can type simply opac on the address line of 
my browser
to access the opac interface or I can type intranet to access the 
interface. I think the virtual directories are set up so if you type 
'localhost' or the
local IP address, it defaults to the opac interface. My goal was to have 
something people
could test on a single machine without getting involved with DNS name 
resolution, etc.

Hope this helps. By the way, I plan on posting a V1.2.2 install for Windows in 
the next day or so if anyone would rather test with that stable version rather 
than a beta version.


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