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A matter of manners

From: Soren Jonsson
Subject: A matter of manners
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 08:01:39 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050831 Debian/1.7.8-1sarge2

First I would like to apologize to everyone who feel insulted for me calling 
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 just Debian Linux 3.1 in my question about your version of 
autoconf. It was not my intention to be insulting, and I am sorry that I was 
that unintentionaly.

But I would like to explain my reasoning, even if i don't defend it. I will 
therefore ask you if you allways use the same formalism regarding other 

For example: if your car is a Ford Focus 4-Dr Sedan ZX4, do you allways refer to it as a 
"Ford Focus 4-Dr Sedan ZX4"?

Focus is a registerd trademark for Ford Inc, with the consequence that no other car manufacturer can name their car a Focus. So if you refer to the car as a Focus, it is implicated in the inforamtion that it is a Ford.
In the same way there are just two operating systems available from Debian, and 
now I am using the full formalism, Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/HURD. Debian 
GNU/Linux has versions as an added specification, but I am unaware of any 
version numbring for Debian GNU/Hurd. Therefore I felt at the time that I was 
writing my original mail that it was implicated from the information that I was 
using GNU/Linux, and therefore I did not state this explicitly.

At least here in Sweden that kind of shortening a product name is fairly 
common, so I might have fallen into a cultural trap. If this has given offence, 
I apologize for this.

With my best regards,

Sören Jonsson
Kärnvägen 237
906 27 UMEÅ
e-post: address@hidden

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