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Re: [Libcdio-devel] How tolerant to be towards CD-TEXT character set mis

From: Thomas Schmitt
Subject: Re: [Libcdio-devel] How tolerant to be towards CD-TEXT character set mislabeling ?
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 13:40:01 +0200


Ludolf Holzheid wrote:
> I would vote for even switching to CP1252, which further extends
> ISO-8859-1.

A good point, provided that it is really true that each ISO-8859-1
character has the same byte code in CP1252.
The following documents confirm this:

Afaik, no ISO-8859-X X!=1 is a true superset of ISO-8859-1.

So let's consider to replace "ASCII" and "ISO-8859-1" by "CP1252" for
outmost reader tolerance:

          case CDTEXT_CHARCODE_ISO_8859_1:
            /* default */
            /* ISO-8859-1 is a subset of CP1252. If non-ISO-8859-1 are
             * present against CD-TEXT specification, CP1252 gives more hope
             * for a readable result than telling iconv to be picky.
            charset = (char *) "CP1252";
            /* ASCII is a subset of ISO-8859-1. Some CDs announce it but then
             * have 8-bit characters in their text. Trying CP1252 gives
             * more hope for a readable result than telling iconv to be picky.
            charset = (char *) "CP1252"

But other than with "ISO-8859-1", which was already tested extensively,
libcdio never converted CD-TEXT from CP1252 up to now.
So there should be some extra testing.

To Serge (the bug reporter):
Will you find time and maybe a few more audio CDs to test it ?

Have a nice day :)


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