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Re: Darwin jnilib with libtool/automake

From: Dmitry Markman
Subject: Re: Darwin jnilib with libtool/automake
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:38:55 -0400

it was the same problem in open source RXTX project

and we decided just provide ProjectBuilder/CodeWarrior  project
for building jnilib libraries

I understand it's not an answer to your question
but we just found ourself in very "funny" situation:

for supporting multiplatform building process
we could manage multihundreds lines make files
and we didn't have good result for MAC OS X
hovewer, creating PB project and successful building
took for me 1-2 hours
it was just more efficient
BTW any MAC OS X developer who has cc command-line
compiler has ProjectBuilder
and vice versa

I can send you RXTX 1.4.9 makefiles that was relative successfull
but 1.4.10 was totally unusable for MAC OS X
I'm not make file guru, so I didn't understand what happened
but you probably are so you'll understand
send me email and I'll send you 1.4.9 and 1.4.12 makefiles and you'll figure out differences again I was able to build jnilib with 1.4.9 makefile (I used autoconf configure e.t.c.)
hope it will help

Dmitry Markman, PhD

On Thursday, October 11, 2001, at 01:39 PM, Kyle F. Downey wrote:

Has anyone tried building jnilib bundles with the autotools suite
(autoconf, automake and libtool)?

The recommended command-line method I've seen documented requires source
files. To make this work with a configure script (that wants to compile
the object files first), I've seen code like this in one project's

        rm -rf jni/*.o
        c++ -bundle -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers
        -I. -DHAVE_STRSTREAM -o libhippoplot.jnilib -framework JavaVM \
        jni/*.cxx pattern/*.cxx reps/*.cxx src/*.cxx transforms/*.cxx \

You'll note the first thing it does is delete all the object files created by previous Makefile steps! In addition, this target exists outside of the
whole libtool domain--it should be managing details of how to build a
shared library.

Right now I have my JNI code portable between UNIX and MinGW32 (GNU tools on Windows) with a single configure script. I'd love to be able to do the
same for MacOS X; I'm planning on writing an article on portable JNI
using autotools. Any help?

Thanks in advance!

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