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Syntax: a2*2

From: Heikki Johannes Junes
Subject: Syntax: a2*2
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 03:51:02 +0300 (EET DST)

For what purpose serves the syntax 'a2*2'? The confuse was found in

\score { \notes { \time 4/4 a2*2   a1*3/4 a4 a1} } % multiplied durations,
\score { \notes { \time 4/4 a1     a2.    a4 a1} } % where expected output
\score { \notes { \time 4/4 a1 <a1 {s2. a4}> a1} } % got distorted (why?).

This bug (?) was found also in another context:

\score { \notes { \time 12/4 \context Voice = i {
    \repeat "tremolo" 6 { c8 es } s1. % While tremolos are repeated long
    \repeat "tremolo" 12 { c8 es }}}} % enough, the duration is too short.

Imho, for a1. and for a1.*1 there should be the following note heads:
   ___             ___
  /   \    and  ||/   \||
  \___/ o       ||\___/||o

      Heikki Junes

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