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timing (the 1.7 approach)

From: Han-Wen
Subject: timing (the 1.7 approach)
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 00:50:54 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> I know that strictly speaking, following this idea, any integer duration 
> should be allowed (not just powers of 2 and 3) - but I think that 
> storing the duration (2^n)*(3^m) as (n,m,0) would make things a lot 
> easier to cope with

Which  things precisely?

I don't really see the improvement. We already have a rational
multiplier for durations. Factorise  the denominator, and there you
have your

  (p_j^n_j)_j   (p_j is the jth prime).

infinite tuple representation

(btw, I do like the idea of a

      c24 c12

syntax, it's nice & consistent. However, I doubt that it would become
very popular).

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   | 

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