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Re: failed make with gcc 3.2.2 and flex 2.5.31

From: Bryan Koschmann - GKT
Subject: Re: failed make with gcc 3.2.2 and flex 2.5.31
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 16:39:37 -0700 (PDT)


Thanks for getting back to me.

|You can't get there from here.  I went around that block about 119 times
|(stubborn doesn't even begin to describe me) with various versions of flex
|and bison, with and without the patches, and got variations on that same
|error every time.  I also found out the hard way that the warning in
|INSTALL.txt is still accurate when it says flex + gcc 3.x is bad medicine.

*sigh* well at least I didn't try 119 times, only aboit 80 :)

|In the end, the only way for me to get lilypond to play nice was to install
|gcc 2.95, use that to build flex 2.54 and bison 1.25, and use those (still
|with gcc 2.95) to build lilypond.  After that I was able to remove gcc 2.95,
|but the whole process was definitely the long way of getting to my

Can you tell me how you went about doing this? I was planning on getting
the old gcc source, and installing it in, say, /usr/local/newgcc. I would
appreciate any additional input you have on this.

|Good luck, and may the force be with you!  And if you find a way to
|build lilypond with the newest stable flex & gcc 3.x, let us all know the
|secret of your success.

Thank you sir! Unfortunately I'm not the greatest code monkey, so I think
my options are either use your idea, or fall back to Slack 8.1. :)


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