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Re: fact check for manual: devel bugs

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: fact check for manual: devel bugs
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 13:02:40 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

On Tuesday 07 September 2004 01.16, Graham Percival wrote:
> Should bugs in the devel version be sent to lilypond-devel,
> bug-lilypond, or both?

bug-lilypond, I would say. But it doesn't matter, I read both lists. As long 
as you add [bug] in the subject line for devel bugs, there is no risk that I 
miss it.

> While we're on the subject, could Erik check the section "reporting
> bugs" chapter 4 of the manual (after the next release is ok; it's not
> urgent) ?  I've added some more info, but since you're in charge of
> this stuff, you should check it.  :)


When you've found a bug, do a few searches on the mailing list for the bug. 
Sometimes the bug will have already been reported and a fix or workaround is 
already known.

Here's an example of a good bug report:

     % LilyPond 2.3.11, Mac OSX 10.3.4, fink package lilypond-unstable
     % slur does not look at accidentals
     \score {
     \relative c''{
     a1 a a a a
     a2. g16( b d fis)

Some issues:
- The link to bug-lilypond archive is
However, I think it is even more relevant to link to the pre-built bug CVS at
- OS info is not very relevant to include in the .ly file. In CVS, the report 
will only contain the version number; all bugs are verified on my 
debian/testing system.
- A \version statement must be included.
- If you want to be picky, \header { texidoc = "blablabla" } is slightly 
better than % blablabla. But that's just relevant for regular bug reporters 
like Werner so you can skip that, it's too complicated for first-time bug 
- It is appreciated (but not at all required) to attach a small .png image 
showing the problem (the mail list strips attachments, so in this case CC: 
the message to me).

So: In my eyes, the following is a good bug report:

It seems that the slur engine doesn't look at accidentals. In the following 
example, the slur touches the accidental.

Using Mac OSX 10.3.4, fink package lilypond-unstable

\version "2.3.11"
\relative c''{
  a1 a a a a
  a2. g16( b d fis)

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