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Re: question about a <> mark similar to a c-> notation...

From: Arno Waschk
Subject: Re: question about a <> mark similar to a c-> notation...
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 17:46:44 +0100
User-agent: Opera M2/7.53 (Win32, build 3850)

If I understand you correctly, you want to add a new articulation script
(rather than patching the code for dynamic marks).  That's quite easy, if
you are a little bit familiar with metafont. For that purpose, you should

* add the articulation sign to the feta font; see file mf/;
  I guess the direction (up/down) does not matter for espressivo marks,
  hence a single character "espressivo" should suffice; you may want to
  have a look at the sforzatoaccent as an example of a similar character
  that is already in the font;

* tell lily about your articulation sign by adding it to the file
  scm/script.scm (twice the same character "espressivo" for both
  directions, up and down);

* add a handy shortcut to the file ly/

* for testing, add it to input/test/

* for documentation, add it to the Articulations section (currently
  section 5.7.8) of the user manual; see

And, whenever changing feta-schrift, don't forget to clean the font such
that all font files will be rebuilt; otherwise, you will not see any
change, or the font will be messed up (as inserting a new character
changes the numbers in the font tables).

Okay, following the above i would like to propose a first attempt of a patch. Feel free to rant about my mistakes, but please be reminded that i am just a pianist trying his best. Don't shoot!


Attachment: lily-041126.patch
Description: Binary data

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