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From: Stephen
Subject: collisions
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 08:53:02 -0600

I am having countless troubles with the Carl Fisher edition published in 1937 of Beethoven's Horn Sonata. Probably because it is a pre-computer publication. The symbols are carefully placed to avoid collisions, but with lilypond the symbols collide in the default position. How can I raise the triplet 3's above the stacatto dots and the " Allegro molto." above the triplet threes?

alm = \markup { \bold \bigger \bigger " Allegro molto" }

\transpose c c'{
#(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 2/2
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
\set Score.skipBars = ##t

\set Score.currentBarNumber = #162
c'4^\alm r
\override TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility = ##f
\times 2/3 {g8-.\f g'-. g'-.} \times 2/3 {g'[-. g'-. g']-.} | g'4 r
\times 2/3 {g8-. g'-. g'-.} \times 2/3 {g'[-. g'-. g']-.} | g'4 r r2
\times 2/3 {c'8-.\ff g'( e')} \times 2/3 {c'[-. e'( c')]}
\times 2/3 {g-. c'( g)} \times 2/3 {e[-. g( e)]} |
c4-. r \clef bass c,-. r | c,-. r
\bar "|."


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