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make uninstall?

From: Laura Conrad
Subject: make uninstall?
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:26:32 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

It seems to have disappeared in current cvs.  I'm sure I ran it only a
few days ago. Is this on purpose or by accident?

If it's on purpose, what are we supposed to do instead?

address@hidden:/home/lconrad/src/lilypond/cvs/lilypond# make help
 Makefile for LilyPond 2.5.21
 Usage: make [VARIABLE=value]... [TARGET]

 config      rerun configure
 deb         build Debian package
 diff        generate patch: ././out/lilypond-2.5.21.diff.gz
 .           Options:
 .             from=0.1.74
 .             help==
 .             release==
 .             to=0.1.74.jcn2
 dist        roll tarball: ././out/lilypond-2.5.21.tar.gz
 distclean   cleaner than clean (duh)
 doc         update all documentation
 release     roll tarball and generate patch
 po          make new translation Portable Object database
 po-replace  do po-update and replace catalogs with msgmerged versions
 po-update   update translation Portable Object database
 Some of these top level targets (diff, dist, release) can be issued
 from anywhere in the source tree.
 all         update everything
 clean       remove all generated stuff in ./out
 check       run self tests
 default     same as the empty target
 exe         update all executables
 help        this help
 install     install programs and data (prefix=/usr/local)
 lib         update all libraries
 web         update website in directory `out-www'
 web-install install website documentation in 
 web-clean   clean `out-www' directory
 TAGS        generate tagfiles
 `make' may be invoked from any subdirectory.
 Note that all commands recurse into subdirectories;
 prepend `local-' to restrict operation to the current directory.
 Example: `local-clean'.

I need it because I still can't run current cvs on my system, so I
want to go back to 2.0.2, which works with all my scripts.

Laura (mailto:address@hidden , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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