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Of snippets and petals

From: Basil Crow
Subject: Of snippets and petals
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 21:06:33 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0+ (Windows/20050513)

I like LilyPond. Even though I'm far from proficient at it, I know a good thing when I see it -- and LilyPond is definitely a Good Thing when it comes to music notation software. I'm a Windows user who's mucked around with Linux and web development/coding who has been using Finale for the past five years. In learning LilyPond, the one hardest thing for me has been the syntax.

For me, learning the syntax and constructs of LilyPond's language has been difficult. The documentation is clear in a very "dictionary reference" type of way, but larger questions linger for me. What "context" am I in? Where do I put such-and-such a snippet of code so that it's in the right place and "works"? Through experience I've taught myself how to "read" PHP code, but LilyPond format is even more complex for me. I do intend to put the time in, but the initial frustration when trying to cobble together a few files can be immensely frustrating for someone coming in from a GUI world.

I primarily learn through examples. I "picked up" PHP that way, and I've learned enough about Ruby to be able to set up a Rails application with FastCGI, but I'm really not an expert in these things. I find examples, adapt them for my use, and gradually pick it up from there. It seems to me that these types of examples are missing from the LilyPond community.

I'm not suggesting that the official documentation needs any big changes: it is very thorough and great. But an easy way for people to share little things that work in a more open exchange would go a long way. Take a look at from the TextDrive hosting company. It is a place where anyone can post and tag "snippets" of information and add comments to it. This has been the difference between me getting something done and not getting it done in many cases. The ability for newbies to write up what works relatively easily will help others who have the same problem and avoid the barrier of spending a lot of time reading documentation to properly understand the way everything completely works.

The other day, I wrote to lilypond-user: "Dumb question: How do you use an open parenthesis in lyrics? I'm using '\lyricmode {' to begin my lyrics." Now, had I read the documentation on entering lyrics, I might have discovered that "Quoted words can also be used in Lyrics mode to specify words that cannot be written with the above rules," but that wasn't immediately obvious. Mats Bengtsson quite kindly answered my question.

I realized that I needed a way to keep track of these small things for myself, so I set up -- a snippets system using the same code that powers TextSnippets (I called my Snippets install "LilyPetals" just for fun). But the primary purpose of a thing like Snippets is to help other people who need to do something and need to find that same "snippet." I'd love it if LilyPond were to have a similar official "snippets" site that users could be encouraged to post to. Although I just have saved one to my own Snippets install, sites like TextSnippets have grown to 50 snippets in a few days (and become immensely helpful). What do the developers think of something like this?


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