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website translation

From: Jean-Charles
Subject: website translation
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 20:45:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr-FR; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040804

I have downloaded the cvstree of the new website a couple of hours ago.

The french po file is allready "francisée" (as a matter of fact, it is the shortest).

I thought about the way to deal with all the files and came to the point that you can proceed in different manners:

1- Having the files translated on the fly (standalone brainstorming). Retyping them from the first to last character would enforce enormous maintaining work. Thousands of them for each release. My poor phalanx!.. but you may get help by a voice input software. To many corrections afterwords.

2- Using a translation memory tool/application. Might be a not so bad idea. Being a "petit fonctionnaire" does not allow me to spend so much money in a professional software just for my dear Lily, especially as they are proprietary... The only one I found is based on a java script, his name is omegat ( I have played with it a little and it seems to be ok for me and my needs. As far as I can tell for the moment, it still chockes on openning a couple of files but I am trying to isolate those and let you know.

Building a translation team would be of interest, but how to do? Each member get some files to translate and review others' work, or a web based memory to be shared and regularily updated. The latter would be in my opinion more interesting for many reasons (time sharing and saving among others).

Just a question to Jan: how did you proceed for Dutch?

Sorry if I am disturbing, but I just wanted to contribute.


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