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Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 00:15:28 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050929)

John Mandereau wrote:
what does +6 mean?

It means the 6th is raised by a semitone; it is often (but not always)
used for the leading-tone (the 7th degree of the scale).

For example, let's take the dominant seventh chord (in C Major <g b d'

Its 3rd inversion (i.e. its position with the 7th at the bass -- in C
Major <f g b d'>) is described with bass figure +4, because the interval
between the bass note and the leading-tone is a(n augmented) 4th.

Similarly, the second inversion of this chord (with the 5th at the bass)
is described with bass figure +6.

Ok, so the plus and slash refer to the harmonical function, whereas the sharp and flat refer to the alteration within the scale? So a

  <des f as ces>

in 3rd inversion would be denoted by +4 flat ?

The "+" sign is so common in bass figures that it would be tiring for
the user to type a long command for that, which would not be better than
using a \markup. I guess you have good reasons not to modify the parser
(in case you need do so to implement this syntax), but it would be
convenient that a "plus" could be added to a bass figure by simply
appending a single character, * or ~ or whatever is possible.

I'll have a look. It's unfortunate that we already have + for alteration upwards. Maybe we can use \+

Is it worth documenting it in the manual? If so, I would be glad to
submit a patch on the list.

Go ahead.

I wonder why there is only one continuation line for two bass figures
continued with the same duration. You must read the score carefully to
see that the continuation line vertical position is between the two
numbers, which is not obvious when you quickly read the score for the
first time. IMHO it would be more legible if there was one line for each

This was by special request of Trent. I wouldn't mind scrapping it (if Trent agrees, that is), as it was relatively hairy to do. I can easily add a property to switch this off, though.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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