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Re: making web

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: making web
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:42:14 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060614)

Erik Sandberg schreef:

The attached patch makes 'make web' work for me! May I commit?

Fixed issues:
- problems related to -dgs-font-load: Some snippets work only if the flag is enabled, while others work only if it is disabled. Solution: Disable the flag, and add an explicit ly:set-option in the only relevant snippet.

this is not a solution, but symptom fixing. What's the problem you encounter?

- incorrect epstopdf command-line syntax

see cvs.

 LILYPOND_BOOK_INCLUDES = -I $(src-dir)/ -I $(outdir) -I $(input-dir) -I 
$(input-dir)/regression/ -I $(input-dir)/manual/ -I $(input-dir)/tutorial/ -I 
$(top-build-dir)/mf/$(outconfbase)/  -I $(top-build-dir)/mf/out/
-LILYPOND_BOOK_FLAGS = --process="$(LILYPOND_BINARY) --backend=eps 
--formats=ps,png,pdf -deps-font-include -dgs-font-load --header=texidoc -I 
$(top-src-dir)/input/manual -dinternal-type-checking -ddump-signatures 
-danti-alias-factor=2 $(LILYPOND_BOOK_LILYPOND_FLAGS)"
+LILYPOND_BOOK_FLAGS = --process="$(LILYPOND_BINARY) --backend=eps 
--formats=ps,png,pdf -deps-font-include --header=texidoc -I $(top-src-dir)/input/manual 
-dinternal-type-checking -ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=2 

this is a bad idea. without -dgs-font-load, the OTF file is inserted into every EPS file, blowing the size of each system EPS to 140k.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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