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LSR integration

From: Graham Percival
Subject: LSR integration
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 12:01:15 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061207)

I almost have this working; there are two questions.

1) LSR material is integrate from input/ . Can I leave this script there, or must I move it to buildscripts/ ?

2) The input/lsr/trick/out-www/collated-files.html is generated correctly, but I'd like to have an extra HTML page that lets users choose which types of examples they see. How do I add this extra page? (alternatively, is anybody else willing to do this HTML stuff so I can get back to working on the tutorial?)

Here's what I'd like to see:  on the main doc page

we remove the (current) "Examples" and "Tips and Tricks". There's only one "Examples" link. This link takes us to a new page, where users can choose between:
Complete pieces  (ie the current "examples" page)
Tricks  ( input/trick/out-www/collated-files.html )
Advanced  ( input/advanced/out-www/collated-files.html )
... ( other categories from input/*/out-www/collated.html , once those other categories exist )

- Graham

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