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Sponsorship offer (Re: [Re: Proper handling of accidentals in unmetered

From: Ted Walther
Subject: Sponsorship offer (Re: [Re: Proper handling of accidentals in unmetered music?])
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2007 12:16:08 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.16 (2007-06-11)

Han-Wen, how much would you want to implement a \FreeMeter function?

You would specify \FreeMeter instead of 3/4 or 4/4 in the TimeSignature.

Or you could specify \FreeMeter instead of \TimeSignature 3/4 etc.

Then every time you entered \bar "|" or just | by itself, that would be
counted as a new measure, the bar numbering would be updated properly,
accidentals would be reset properly, and so on.

I am transcribing 3000 year old music that has been discovered by
archaelogists and researchers, and the music is very "free-meter".
Someone posted a solution that requires making the time signature
invisible, and then changing the time signature every single time I want
to start a new measure.  I have a lot of music to transcribe; this will
be a major, major pain, figuring out what the right time signature is
for a particular measure.


On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 12:45:34AM +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Ruud van Silfhout wrote:
This could be mixed nicely with another feature that has been requested once and awhile: composite time signatures (or compound timesignatures as I also have seen). This is used in modern church music. This could be specified with something like '\timeset { 4/4 3/4 }'. This triggers the follwoing behavior:
1. At the point of definition the time signature are printed.
2. By default the actual time signature is set to the first signature in the set. 3. When a timesignature changes within the set i.e. from 3/4 to 4/4 and back, no timesignature is printed by default. 4. When a timesignature changes from something in the time signature set to something outside it, then the timesignature is printed by default. 5. When a timesignature is changed from something outside the set to someting in it, then the time signature is not printed by default. 6. An empty set reverts the behaviour to the normal lilypond behaviour with the currently active timesignature, which is then printed by default.
7. All items mentioned before as 'by default' are tweakable properties.
If the extra '\time x/y' statements are too much to type one could also think of using the "|" to simplify notation, although this leads to overloaded usage of the "|" symbol.

I can add this as a sponsored feature. Please contact me privately, if interested.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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Name:    Ted Walther
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Email:   address@hidden
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Address: 3422 Euclid Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R4G4 (Canada)

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