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Re: Voices starting with cue notes are printed in cue size, not normal s

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Voices starting with cue notes are printed in cue size, not normal size
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:02:23 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Am Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008 schrieben Sie:
This is just one of many situations, where you need to explicitly
create the Voice context yourself:
This is a consequence of the way LilyPond creates new contexts on the fly,
if needed. So, I wouldn't classify it as a bug in cueDuring.

Okay, it's a general problem in lilypond ;-)

Still, nowhere in the documentation can one find a hint that one needs to explicitly create the voice in this case. Even worse, all the examples for cueDuring do NOT create a voice explicitly (since none of the starts with cue notes, that's no problem, but typically one simply copies examples from the docs/lsr and adjusts them. How should one realize that an explicit voice creation is needed?)

Well, in the Tutorial, you can find
"A notation context is an environment in which musical events (like
notes or @code{\clef} commands) are interpreted.  For simple
pieces, such notation contexts are created automatically.  For
more complex pieces, it is best to mark contexts explicitly."

So, I think there should be a big fat warning in the cue notes section of the documentation and/or an LSR snippet about this.
As I said, this is just one of many constructs where you can get surprising results if they are used at the beginning of the piece and you don't explicitly create
contexts. I'm not sure we can add big fat warnings for all such cases.
For example, how many staves do you expect to get with the following input file?
\relative c' <<
\new Voice {c d e f }
\new Voice {a f c b}


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