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Re: GDP: fixing cropping

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: GDP: fixing cropping
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:40:56 -0300

2008/5/29 Graham Percival <address@hidden>:
> In the past few months, whenever anybody said that an example
> was cropped too much in the output, I said "it's already noted as
> bug 268, so just bear with it".
> The initial example with 268 was fixed, but I'm certain there's
> still examples left.  GDP people: please check your sections in
> the **GDP OUTPUT**.  (this uses the latest lilypond version, so
> bugfixes should be fixed on there)
> If you see something cropped too much, please create a minimal
> example and add it to issue 268.

it's actually multiple bugs: what happens is that we eg. forget to
account for line thickness in the extent of the grob.  I have not yet
seen evidence that the bounding box is structurally too small. Can you
file a bug for each grob type that you this happening with?

> Also, could somebody investigate this?  I'm /fairly/ certain that
> the slur in this example gets cropped a few pixels too much, but
> it would be nice if we had a way to be sure:  (other than "the
> bottom of the slur looks too flat, and it's right next to the png
> boundary"... unless the -dpreview box is *supposed* to have at

Try increasing resolution -dresolution=600 will magnify the effect

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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