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Re: plz help about lily.......

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: plz help about lily.......
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 18:44:31 +0200

2008/6/21 magid fattahi <address@hidden>:

Hi Magid,

LilyPond is perfect for foreign countries, but you have to be familiar
with the concept of software freedom. I invite you to read the
following page, that is probably translated in your own language

> can i develop lilypond for windows? (as windows programmer)

Lilypond can *run* on Windows; however it can only be *compiled* using
a Linux or a Mac system.

LilyPond is written in C++ and in Scheme; the Scheme code can be
modified without compiling, but if you want to make changes to the C++
part, you will need to recompile the program.

> can i comerical lilypond for myself in my country?

LilyPond's is released under the General Public License (GPL):

Basically, you can sell LilyPond if you want, but you cannot change its license:
- you *must* mention the name of the authors, and the license they've chosen
- everyone *must* be able to copy and redistribute it freely
- if you do not modify LilyPond, you *must* specify where the source
code can be downloaded
- if you do modify LilyPond, you *must* let everyone (including the
authors) access your modified source code.


> because i decide to develop a software to support music notation
> but in my country isn't any information about music notation !
> im software engineer but i dont khow what to do!!!!!!!!!
> plz help me to do this ,even if im going to develop very low level software

Well, some of us are ready to help you if you exactly know what you
want to achieve. LilyPond is very powerful but it's complex too; if
you want something more convenient for "simple" Windows users, maybe
you should look at graphical software such as Jazz++ or Canorus (these
are GPL software too).


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