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[PATCH] Fix #655, \remove should emit warning for unknown engravers (in

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: [PATCH] Fix #655, \remove should emit warning for unknown engravers (in \with)
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:48:03 +0100


Here's a patch which makes sure that there's a check that an engraver
exists before an attempt is made to remove it within a \with block.

There are two related issues which I'm concerned about:

- Should an unknown engraver cause compilation to fail? I was
wondering whether it might be better to issue a warning rather than an
error in get_translator ().

- There's a redundant error message in Context_def::add_context_mod
(); it never gets called, since compilation stops in get_translator

if (!get_translator (sym))
  error (_f ("program has no such type: `%s'", ly_symbol2string
(sym).c_str ()));


Attachment: 0001-Fix-655.patch
Description: Text Data

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