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texi2html web page, second attempt

From: Graham Percival
Subject: texi2html web page, second attempt
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 11:14:19 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

To counter-act the "texi2html looks boring" idea, here's a new

1) *NO*, I don't think the garish colours and backgrounds look
good.  I'm showing that we can do whatever we want, not proposing
that red-text-on-black-image is easy to read!

I'm probably the worst graphics designer on this list, so I'm not
even going to *pretend* to be a graphics designer.  If we end up
going this route, then OF COURSE we'll ask those people to produce
a beautiful css file.

2)  Apologies to people who worked on the perl texinfo init file
for the docs.  I hacked it up horribly to get this version.
- also, if we end up going this route, somebody (I'm willing to do
  it, although I wouldn't mind delegating this :)  needs to make
  the nagivation menu show the current subsections in a second
  list.  (like the current webpage)

- we also probably want to remove the <h1>section-name</h1> from
  the page.  Not a big deal.

3)  Ok, so why do I want to use texinfo so much?
- makes pdfs+info.  I personally *never* use those formats, but I
  know that some people still use them.  IMO, if we're going to
  support those formats for the manuals, we should support them
  for the information that's on the website.

- we all know texinfo.  It's easy to fix small mistakes in it.  If
  we go this route, I can have the content of the new website done
  by the end of this weekend.  Then we just need to adjust the
  style (tweak the init file, write a CSS, maybe make new images,
  etc).  Oh, and adjusting the translation stuff[*].

Yes, I know that texinfo is confusing for beginners -- by "we all
know", I mean "all the major lilypond contributors".  In other
words, "all the people who might be fixing typos and incorrect
content on the website".

[*]  For this reason -- and this reason only -- I don't think we
should aim to have the new website ready by 2.14.  Tentative plan
is to release 2.14 in early July, then work on the translation
infrastructure for the texinfo website, then release the new
website in early Aug.

- texinfo enforces the "content vs. presentation" thing.  All our
  webpages will have a consistent look; it's not *possible* to
  do weird hacks in texinfo to create odd stuff for individual
  pages.  (at least, not without modifying the global css file as

- I think it would be cool.  Everybody "knows" that texinfo is
  boring and bland; I think it would be really neat to have a
  fancy website created from texinfo.  It could also serve as a
  great example for other projects as to the possibilities of
  texi2html.  I think we all agree that it's been great for our
  manuals, after all!

- Graham

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