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Re: more translation breakage

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re: more translation breakage
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:38:22 +0100

Le mercredi 13 janvier 2010 à 00:32 +0000, Graham Percival a écrit : 
> Given that John's fix *should* have worked (adding stuff to
> one of the stepmake/ or make/ files), but didn't,

It worked for me in a in-tree 'make dist', but I just noticed it failed
in a out-of-tree dist because a leading whitespace; I wasn't aware of
possible differences between these two ways of generating the
tarball :-/.  I'm removing the manually added files in the GNUmakefile,
which are no longer necessary and even cause 'make dist' to fail in an
in-tree build setup.

> John: the way to test this is to do "make dist", then untar
> out/lilypond-2.13.11.tar.bz2.  If there's a file in git that isn't
> in that tarball, there's a problem.  I'm sure there's a handy way
> of listing all files in zip and comparing it to ls -R of the
> uncompressed tarball (actually, you probably don't even need to
> uncompress it), but you're on your own for figuring out those
> options.

GUB already does that kind of comparison, doesn't it?  Anyway, this is
right that I should pay attention to add it new files, although with an
ideal build system it should be easier to set files to be distributed.

> As soon as 2.12.{3,4}-{1,2} is out, I want to get 2.13.11 out.  If
> you merge stuff to master before then, please go to the trouble of
> doing the above test.

I'm not fond of making the effort of implementing (i.e. figuring out how
to do the tree comparison you suggested above) what is already checked
that way in GUB, but will do my best to pay attention to every "new
file" notification from Git.

BTW, I merge translations branch into master almost whenever I
succesfully build the merged sources plus my own changes.


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