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emacs lilypond-mode.el and lilypond-init.el patches to process .lytex fi

From: josé henrique padovani
Subject: emacs lilypond-mode.el and lilypond-init.el patches to process .lytex files with "lilypond-book --pdf"/"pdflatex"
Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 11:04:58 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; pt-BR; rv: Gecko/20100317 Thunderbird/3.0.4

I have made some changes on my emacs lilypond-mode files to process lytex files as suggested here ( directly with: "lilypond-book --pdf file.lytex" and "pdflatex file.tex"

I'm sending the patches... Please tell me if it is ok (don't know if the shortcuts are ok to other people, for example)

I would also like to know if it would be possible to have an option, when compiling LilyPond, to change some system specific commands that are in lilypond-mode...
For example, for OSX:
"xpdf" -> "open"
"timidity" -> "open"
(OSX's "open" uses the system default app to read pdf/play midi files)

I have no idea about how to do it as I am a "newbie" in LilyPond development.. maybe creating a system specific file lilypond-mode-osx.el would be the easier way?


PS: .lytex extension was added to lilypond-init to load lilypond-mode automatically as (I think) that latex \include can be used to organize files .. and those files with lilypond code need more the ly syntax colorizing than tex colorizing...


Attachment: bin7XlV4JF81F.bin
Description: application/applefile

Attachment: lilypond-init.el.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lilypond-mode.el.patch
Description: Text document

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