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Re: Fix 380: Try to auto-detect cyclic references in header fields (issu

From: Reinhold Kainhofer
Subject: Re: Fix 380: Try to auto-detect cyclic references in header fields (issue 4951073)
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 03:30:16 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.6 (Linux/2.6.38-11-generic; KDE/4.7.0; i686; ; )

Am Thursday, 15. September 2011, 02:33:59 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Reinhold Kainhofer <address@hidden> writes:
> > We never even really have a tree to traverse. The elements are only
> > created by interpret-markup, which will already cause the infinite
> > loop.
> I don't get your point.  Whether the tree is explicit or implicit, the
> nodes are recognizable before evaluation.

Huh? So, you are saying that you can determine in g() whether the evaluation 
of f will terminate, without evaluating f?

int g(int i) {
  // Please determine here, whether this call will result in a 
  // loop or terminate, without evaluating f:
  return f(i);

int f(int i) {
  if (i==1) 
    return 1;
  else if (i%2 == 0)
    return g(i/2);
    return g(3*i+1);

Or in scheme:

(define (g i)
  ;; Please determine here wether this will result in a loop, without
  ;; evaluating f:
  (f i))

(define (f i)
  (cond ((= i 1) 1)
        ((even? i) (g (/ i 2)))
        (else (g (+1 (* 3 i))))))

This is exactly the situation with markup interpretation: g is in lilypond the 
interpret-markup function, while f can be any markup function, which might 
call interpret-markup again for sub-markups.

If we don't want to modify all markup functions, we can only adjust g. 
However, due to the recursion, I don't see how we can step through the nodes 
with two different speeds.
All I can imagine it to mark all combinations of already-called arguments. But 
that might be quite memory-intensive.

What makes the situation in lilypond even worse is that a markup function can 
invoke interpret-markup multiple times, so we have a call tree. And in markup 
functions we have more than one argument i. Rather, we have three arguments 
(layout, props, markup), which might or might not influence the result.

Case 1: A markup-function depends on the props, e.g. \fromproperty. 
Conclusion: To detect loops, we need to look not only on the markup itself, 
but also the properties.

Case 2: A markup-function modifies the props (e.g. increments one member of 
the chained alist by 1) and then calls itself. Since in case 1 we saw that we 
need to compare the props and the markup, we never detect that we are in a 
loop, because the props are constantly changing, even though they will not 
have any influence on the output.

> > Without running interpret-markup on a markup we don't know anything
> > about its contents (because the markup function might create anything
> > it wants), and as soon as we are running interpret-markup on a markup,
> > we might end up in a cycle.
> And the topic of this issue is detecting this cycle.

Yes, but how can we do it short of changing how the evaluation is done?

> > So, I wouldn't characterize this as a loop detection, but rather
> > determining whether an arbitrary recursion ever terminates...
> "cycle" and "loop" are two different names for the same thing.

Actually, I was also thinking about cases where we are not in a loop, but 
which still don't terminate. 


Reinhold Kainhofer, address@hidden,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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