%%% COMMENTS => grey % Single comment not a comment % right comment %{ Multiple lines %{ nested multiple %} comment %} %%% STRINGS => red \version "2.14.2" \markup_"Lily rocks!" %%% SYMBOLS => bold black | % bar checks \\ % voices separator ( ) % slurs ~ % tie ^ _ % markup placement * c'' c,,,, % octave %%% NUMBERS % Note numbers => ? a1 a11 a111 a18 a81 a181 b2 b22 b222 b25 b52 b252 a1. a1.. a1... .a1 ..a1 .a1. a2. a2.. a2... .a2 ..a2 .a2. c4 c44 c444 c47 c74 c474 d8 d88 d888 d82 d28 d828 e16 e1616 e161616 e162 e16216 f32 f3232 f323232 f324 f32432 g64 g6464 g646464 g641 g64164 e128 e1288 e2128 % String and fingering numbers => orange e8\2 e8-4\0 f-5 g\3 %%% SCHEME % one line \once \override Tie #'staff-position = #3.5 % multiline \override VerticalAxisGroup #'default-staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 8) (minimum-distance . 7) (padding . 1)) %%% COMMANDS start with \ %%% We could make several groups with different styles, like Frescobaldi does. %%% It is worth? % Commands 1st group: bold black => #000000 \book \bookpart \context \header \include \layout \midi \new \once \override \overrideProperty \paper \remove \removeWithTag \revert \score \set \unset \version \with % Commands 2nd group: bold lilla => #452886 \acciaccatura \appoggiatura \arpeggio \bar \bendAfter \break \breathe \clef \glissando \grace \harmonic \hideNotes \laissezVibrer \melisma \mark \noBeam \noBreak \noPageBreak \noPageTurn \normalsize \oneVoice \ottava \pageBreak \pageTurn \parallelMusic \parenthesize \partcombine \partial \quilisma \quoteDuring \repeat \repeatTie \rest \relative \repeat unfold 4 \repeat volta 4 \slurDown \slurNeutral \slurUp \tag \tempo \time \times \transpose \tupletDown \tupletNeutral \tupletUp \unHideNotes \unfoldRepeats \voiceOne \voiceThree \voiceFour % Commands 3rd group: bold green => #007010 \lyricmode \lyrics \lyricsto % Command 4th group: bold aqua => #0094E4 \chords \chordmode \figures \figuremode \notes \notemode % Commands 5th group: green => #009817 \markup \markuplines % Commands 6th group: orange => #EE5000 \coda \fermata \varcoda \rfz \rheel \rtoe %%% VARIABLES defined by users \whatever \youLike % Conventions: Documentation/learning/naming-conventions-of-objects-and-properties.html %%% CONTEXTS and LAYOUT OBJECTS (should we separate them?) %%% Aaaa or AaaaAaaaAaaa %%% any word starting with a capital letter should work fine % Contexts ChoirStaff ChordNames CueVoice Devnull DrumStaff DrumVoice FiguredBass FretBoards Global GrandStaff GregorianTranscriptionStaff GregorianTranscriptionVoice Lyrics MensuralStaff MensuralVoice NoteNames PianoStaff RhythmicStaff Score Staff StaffGroup TabStaff TabVoice VaticanaStaff VaticanaVoice Voice % Layout objects NoteHead Slur %%% CONTEXT PROPERTIES %%% aaa or aaaAaaaAaaa aDueText alignAboveContext alignBassFigureAccidentals alignBelowContext associatedVoice autoAccidentals autoBeamCheck autoBeaming autoCautionaries automaticBars barAlways barCheckSynchronize barNumberVisibility bassFigureFormatFunction bassStaffProperties beatGrouping beatLength chordChanges chordNameExceptions chordNameExceptionsFull chordNameExceptionsPartial chordNameFunction chordNameSeparator chordNoteNamer chordPrefixSpacer chordRootNamer clefGlyph clefOctavation clefPosition connectArpeggios countPercentRepeats createKeyOnClefChange createSpacing crescendoSpanner crescendoText currentBarNumber decrescendoSpanner decrescendoText defaultBarType doubleRepeatType doubleSlurs drumPitchTable drumStyleTable explicitClefVisibility explicitKeySignatureVisibility extendersOverRests extraNatural figuredBassAlterationDirection figuredBassCenterContinuations figuredBassFormatter figuredBassPlusDirection fingeringOrientations firstClef followVoice fontSize forbidBreak forceClef gridInterval harmonicAccidentals highStringOne ignoreBarChecks ignoreFiguredBassRest ignoreMelismata implicitBassFigures implicitTimeSignatureVisibility instrumentCueName instrumentEqualizer instrumentName instrumentTransposition internalBarNumber keepAliveInterfaces keyAlterationOrder keySignature lyricMelismaAlignment majorSevenSymbol markFormatter maximumFretStretch measureLength measurePosition melismaBusyProperties metronomeMarkFormatter middleCClefPosition middleCOffset middleCPosition midiInstrument midiMaximumVolume midiMinimumVolume minimumFret minimumPageTurnLength minimumRepeatLengthForPageTurn noteToFretFunction ottavation output pedalSostenutoStrings pedalSostenutoStyle pedalSustainStrings pedalSustainStyle pedalUnaCordaStrings pedalUnaCordaStyle printKeyCancellation printOctaveNames printPartCombineTexts proportionalNotationDuration recordEventSequence rehearsalMark repeatCommands restNumberThreshold shapeNoteStyles shortInstrumentName shortVocalName skipBars skipTypesetting soloIIText soloText squashedPosition staffLineLayoutFunction stanza stemLeftBeamCount stemRightBeamCount stringNumberOrientations stringOneTopmost stringTunings strokeFingerOrientations subdivideBeams suggestAccidentals systemStartDelimiter systemStartDelimiterHierarchy tablatureFormat tempoUnitCount tempoUnitDuration tempoWholesPerMinute tieWaitForNote timeSignatureFraction timing tonic trebleStaffProperties tremoloFlags tupletFullLength tupletFullLengthNote tupletSpannerDuration useBassFigureExtenders verticallySpacedContexts vocalName voltaSpannerDuration %%% LAYOUT PROPERTIES %%% aaa or aaa-aaa-aaa after-title-spacing annotate-spacing auto-first-page-number before-title-spacing between-scores-system-spacing between-system-padding between-system-spacing between-title-spacing bottom-margin bottom-system-spacing