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Working with unpure-pure containers (issue 3385)

From: Mike Solomon
Subject: Working with unpure-pure containers (issue 3385)
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:26:09 +0300

Hey all,

Sorry for my lack of devel time over the past few months - I'm using LilyPond 
almost every day but just don't have time to develop.  Once I get some, I'm 
very much looking forward to getting back into things.

I've created a remote branch dev/upc-test that rewinds master to the commit 
right before the big unpure-pure-container one and then commits everything save 
define-grobs.scm.  The octave bracket stuff compiles fine.  What would likely 
help, if someone has time, is going through the modifications in 
define-grobs.scm (diff attached) one-by-one and seeing the smallest set of 
modifications possible that trigger the error.


Attachment: define-grobs.diff
Description: Binary data

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