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Re: epic slur fail!

From: Jean-Charles Malahieude
Subject: Re: epic slur fail!
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:38:38 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.1.0

Le 14/11/2013 20:52, Janek Warchoł disait :

The 2nd and 3rd examples of 0.6 slurs look very bad to me.  Do you
have a minimal code example?

Here it is:
\version "2.17.95"
\new Staff { \relative c { \clef bass
 b'4(^"default" b,) e2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.8 b'4(^"0.8" b,) e2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.6 b'4(^"0.6" b,) e2 } }
\new Staff { \relative c { \clef bass
  b4(^"default" b') e,2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.8 b4(^"0.8" b') e,2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.6 b4(^"0.6" b') e,2 } }
\new Staff { \relative c { \clef bass
  b4_(^"down" b') e,2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.8 b4_(^"0.8" b') e,2
\once \override Slur.details.max-slope = 0.6 b4_(^"0.6" b') e,2 } } >>

From my eyes, the third 0.6 looks like a mirror of the first, and is in my opinion not so "bad".

The second would have looked better with a "raised" left bound, let's say vertically aligned with the top of the stem?


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