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Re: the PO files of lilypond (resending)

From: Jean-Charles Malahieude
Subject: Re: the PO files of lilypond (resending)
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 20:51:53 +0100
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Le 15/12/2013 21:49, Francisco Vila disait :
2013/12/15 Benno Schulenberg <address@hidden>

Hello Francisco and Jean-Charles,

On 2013-12-15 16:54, Francisco Vila wrote:
This is correct. Translation of PO files (which we use to
maintain translations of the binary executable of lilypond -- not
the translations of manuals) are managed using the TP, see [...]

Yes, I know -- I am one of the coordinators of the TP.  :)

The point of my email was: from the website of Lilypond it is not
clear *that* the translations are managed by the TP.  I would have
expected somewhere a paragraph explaining this clearly, including a
hyperlink to .
Could this be added?

I agree this is not clearly explained and it should. Translation of
lilypond PO files is not coordinated by our team here at lilypond, just it
happens a few of PO translators are also documentation translators of the
lilypond team. But most of the (very numerous) PO translators who use the
FTP are not.

An issue open for a documentation editor to write this down would be fine.
I'll forward to devel list.

Federico, would you mind taking care of this?
Question is: Where to put this info in the CG?

Which language do you want to maintain?

I don't wish to maintain any language.  :)  I've just updated the
Dutch PO file a bit, and corrected a bunch of language errors in it,
but I have no knowledge of music, so I am a bit at a loss there.

Here is a field which you can find help among us, if you want, although any
musician or amateur can help, too.

This would deserve a notice on the TP domain that "sensibility" towards musical terminology would be a good thing. I remember having changed many strings from the former translator which were not adapted…

Jean-Charles, a member of our team is in charge of
sending/harvesting PO files to/from the FTP. Ff to him,

Jean-Charles, my apologies.  When I started updating the Dutch
lilypond PO file, I noticed on the Lilypond site that there was a
more recent release, 2.17.96, which sounded to me like a release
of 2.18 was imminent, so I announced it immediately to the
translators at the TP.  But I guess I should have waited for your
mail.  (By the way, it is not necessary to attach a POT file; the
URL of the tarball that contains that POT file is enough).

I don't know exactly what are you talking about (I seem to have missed a
message in between), but anyway feel free to ask for any additional help.

Thanks David for this jump in the eye-catching versionning.

@Benno: That's the way I've proceeded since late 2011; I'll modify it!


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