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Re: quarter tones in tablature (issue 272320043 by address@hidden)

From: dak
Subject: Re: quarter tones in tablature (issue 272320043 by address@hidden)
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2015 14:22:26 +0000

I'm currently trying to get tax declarations finished with a very very
looming deadline, so I am worse at doing reviews properly than I am
anyway.  This one hit me in the face though and would warrant changing
before people start relying on it.
File scm/translation-functions.scm (right):
scm/translation-functions.scm:237: ((determine-frets #:optional
(support-non-integer-fret? #f))
That's pretty bad.  determine-frets was a public function previously,
changing it to a hook it to a function generator is incompatible.

As a note aside, define*-public with curryied functions is broken in
Guile-2 and needs to get split into define* and export separately.  But
that's not really relevant here.

support-non-integer-fret belongs into a context property, and
determine-fret gets passed a context anyway, so that's quite
straightforward to do.  No need to change the call interface to

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